Canine Mobile Massage


Canine massage increases circulation and lymphatic flow, ensuring your pup is getting a healthy supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients to their brain, heart and vital organs. Massage keeps muscles limber and reduces injury, their skin and coat glowing, as well as preventing expensive vet bills along the way. A full body massage of your pet and a preliminary and or summary discussion about the session with the pet guardian. Please make sure your pet is clean and their fur is free of debris such as burs and twigs. Please make sure their last meal was at least 30 minutes prior to the massage Travel Fee Details: In order to cover travel time and expenses, an additional fee of $25 has been applied to each treatment for clients who live within 25 km of Okwitsya HQ. If the mobile location is more than 25 km, the travel fee will be calculated as $25 (base rate for 25 km) plus $1.5/km for the remainder of the travel required from my business address to your mobile location and back again. The travel fee is non-negotiable and a separate invoice will be emailed to you once the address of the mobile location has been provided.
